Shredding with Hardbody
By - Brandon Harding
- 12 week workout & diet plan that progressively becomes more difficult.
- 5 day workout split, complete with 2 leg workouts, 1 push day, 1 pull day and a single arm day, evenly distributing rest periods while optimising training frequency.
- Cardio includes fasted & post workout.
- Detailed with supersets, dropsets and burnouts.
- Diet plan breaks down macros for each week, how to prepare, detailed supplementation and motivational and helpful notes.
- Access to mobile app to track/view the workouts and all videos of exercises!
Price: £24.99

I began my fitness journey 6 years ago. As a young boy, I became obsessed with the idea of being able to fill out my school shirt that hung so loosely. I’ve always been interested in muscular development, so I began working towards killing my insecurities and developing my dream physique. I understanding that physical change doesn’t occur overnight, but my love for the sport of bodybuilding is a constant source of motivation for me to continue to work relentlessly. I am fascinated by seeing my dreams materialise through consistency and strategy. Therefore, I am now committed to developing myself physically and mentally and becoming an example for others to reach their own goals.
It’s always been a goal of mine to step on stage, and show case all the hard work and dedication I’ve put in my diet and training, since be beginning of my fitness journey. I’ve now competed in 3 PCA Junior Bodybuilding shows, placing 2nd twice and 3rd once over the last year. I am more motivated than ever to continue progressing in the sport of bodybuilding, and one day competing for my pro-card.
I have now dedicated my life to being a health and fitness resource to as many people as possible around the globe! With a collection of over half a million supporters and 38,000,000 views across my Youtube channel, the dream is slowly coming to life!
Starting today, I want to help you achieve your goals, this guide is based off my years of experience with training, dieting, carb cycling and supplementation. I’m so excited to have the chance to share this with you!

Easy to follow
Follow through the guide step by step through the app
Measure the amount of time you are spending for each workout
Track how much sets and reps you are completing in each workout
Make notes for yourself as you progress through the guide
Is this your your actual training guide?
Yes - My guide is based on what I do myself and has helped me achieve my physique today.
How do I receive the guide?
You get my guide in 2 formats. One is an ebook which will come to you via email. Secondly through the Aflete app which contains all the workouts.
Will the guide expire after I have completed all 12 weeks?
No, you have lifetime access to the guide so it will never expire. You can complete them as many times as you like.
Can I buy your guide Internationally?
Yes my guide is available in all countries and you can pay via Card or PayPal.